Tips for Singles on Valentine’s Day

The first time I experienced Valentine’s Day with a significant other was after I was married, so it’s safe to say that I had plenty of experience as a single person on Valentine’s Day. I am very aware of how sad and lonely it can be watching roommates and friends go out with significant others but not having anything to do. I’ve rallied up a few of my best tips to help you feel a little more love and excitement this Valentine’s Day.

Photo by Kelsey Chance on Unsplash

Throw a party!

My friend Savannah threw a Galentines party every year and I always looked forward to it! I loved Galentines so much that even now, I throw a Galentine’s day party for me and all of my girlfriends! We decorate heart shaped sugar cookies with icing, fun sprinkles, and Valentine’s Day candies. We write cards and letters to friends and family members on cute stationery. This year I am also hosting a favorite things gift exchange along with it! I’m asking all of my friends to bring one of their favorite things under $10, wrap it, and then we will exchange gifts white elephant style. Frankly, I am looking forward to it more than Valentine’s Day with my husband!

While I’m not aware of a fun name like “Galentine’s” for males, you too could throw a party! Grab some pizza and watch a movie with friends or find something you all like to do. However you choose to throw a party, just do it! I assure you that people will be grateful for the invitation and you’ll look back on Valentine’s Day a little more fondly than you would have otherwise.

Focus on sharing love to family and friends!

While you may not have a significant other, I imagine there are still plenty of people you do love! We often make Valentine’s Day about romance and significant others, but at the very base it is simply about love! Find ways to share love with family and friends. Write them a nice card and bring them a treat. “Heart attack” their door with dozens of paper hearts, ring the doorbell and run! Call a grandparent and ask about their life! There are plenty of ways to show love to others. And if you’re anything like me, as you share love with others, you’ll feel love inside yourself. And that is what Valentine’s Day is truly about!

Photo by Jarritos Mexican Soda on Unsplash

Ask someone out!

As mentioned previously, Valentine’s Day is not just about couples in serious romantic relationships. You could still go out with someone and have it be casual and fun. Though, if you choose to go on multiple dates on Valentine’s Day with different people, please do not tell them they are your second or third date of the evening. 🤦‍♀️ #worstvalentinesdayever

I probably wouldn’t recommend making a reservation to a candlelit dinner or bringing a dozen red roses (though I guess you could), but instead keep things light and fun! Don’t put any pressure on either of you, rather just have a good time together.

Take yourself out!

Just do it! Along with loving others, we have a responsibility to love ourselves. So take yourself out on Valentine’s Day! Get a reservation at your favorite restaurant – or if you’re worried about being surrounded by couples, order takeout! Go see a movie or grab your favorite treat. Take a hike or learn a new skill. Choose to stay in and make a new dish and binge your favorite TV show. There are so many different things you can do to still have a wonderful Valentine’s Day.

The reason we love holidays is because we do things out of the ordinary – like filling stockings for Christmas or eating a big feast on Thanksgiving. For couples on Valentine’s Day, their partner usually goes out of their way to buy them something nice or take them somewhere new. It’s really the overall experience that makes Valentine’s Day what it is. Similarly, for yourself, you can make Valentine’s Day feel special and enjoyable by doing something different. Something out of your regular routine.

Whatever you choose to do this Valentine’s Day I hope that you feel loved and that maybe you’re able to share some love with someone else. Happy Valentine’s Day!


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