Fasting to Rejoicing

By Tammy Hill

I like to eat, so fasting has always been inconvenient. I didn’t understand why we needed to do it, I felt hungry, got very light-headed and occasionally passed-out. As a young adult living away from home I would “accidentally-on-purpose” forget fast Sunday. I always liked having a good excuse not to fast! This being said, I feel that I did have a small understanding of the law of the fast because whenever I really needed help; I would fast for additional humility and sensitivity to the Spirit.

After burying Mark, I was in desperate need of some relief and comfort. My heart was so very broken and heavy with grief. Much of my time was spent curled up in a ball wishing I could die. I knew that I needed to go on, but I sure didn’t want to. These were emotionally grueling days and terrible, never-ending nights. During those first few weeks as a widow, my wonderful mother stayed with me, helping me with my children and giving me time to myself. I remember spending one Thursday afternoon locked in my bedroom, praying and searching for direction as to how I could find relief from my pain. I came across a scripture that has forever changed my life. Helaman 3:35 reads, “…they did fast and pray oft, and did wax stronger and stronger in their humility, and firmer and firmer in the faith of Christ, unto the filling their souls with joy and consolation, yea, even to the purifying and the sanctification of their hearts, which sanctification cometh because of their yielding their hearts unto God.” I stared at this verse, re-reading it many times. I felt I had just received an answer to my question of how to get comfort. I could fast and pray often!

I exercised my faith in Jesus Christ by demonstrating to God that I was willing to try fasting with prayer for comfort. I began fasting that very night. I gave up food and water for twenty-four hours with the sole purpose of obtaining relief from the pain in my heart due to the loss of my husband. For nearly a year I fasted every Friday and Sunday. I chose Friday because Mark died on a Friday. Every Friday evening, I would mentally relive the events that had transpired on Friday, February 8, 2002. I needed extra help to make it through Fridays. I also chose to fast on Sundays because they are such public days. I really prefer to cry in private. I needed extra help on Sundays; help to not break down in front of caring, well-intentioned people, who for the most part had no clue how much I hurt. His divine help literally poured into my soul as I turned my heart to Him through prayer and fasting.

In complete honesty I can say that my fasting days were my best days of every week. I felt such relief, spiritual relief from my burdens, on these days. Often times my heart was filled to rejoicing in a way that I had never previously experienced. As the comfort flowed into me while fasting, my devotion for God was greatly enhanced, to the degree that I felt myself literally
becoming a more, pure soul, body and spirit. Somehow prayerfully going without food and water enables the body to be overcome by the Spirit, heightening communion with God through the Holy Ghost. My little seed of faith, planted in desperation, with time has grown to a healthy, life-supporting tree. I know that fasting with prayerful purpose works!

On August 12, 2002 I felt so completely amazed at the spiritual growth occurring within my heart because of my willingness to faithfully fast, that I spent the day studying fasting throughout the scriptures. Everything I studied I had come to understand and know for myself; it was as if every verse I read was describing just how I felt! This particular study experience was very
joyful and satisfying for me.

Indeed, I have found great pleasure in fasting. No longer does it feel like an obligation, but a great blessing in my life. I testify that when you need something, turn to God in fasting and prayer, with deep devotion and commitment, and you will be blessed.


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