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Explore Tammy's Books

Do you feel peaceful and secure in who you are and what you’re doing with your life? My personal mantra is to “Live Your Why” — or in other words know who you are, center yourself in your core beliefs and live aligned. Living this way brings serenity and assurance, even when life doesn’t go as planned.   

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$19.95 USD

Providing accurate information and practical application – all within a gospel framework – this book is the perfect guide for couples who want a fulfilling sexual relationship that replenishes them with the joy, unity, and oneness loving Heavenly Parents intended.

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Your Body and the Plan of Happiness

$19.95 USD

This book will empower young people to understand complex topics in a confusing world, make good choices, and initiate further conversations with their parents.


God Made Girls & Boys

$19.95 USD

With simple prose and wonderful illustrations, Tammy Hill and Audrey Jones provide a powerful way for parents to share with their children God’s plan and purpose for them.

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